In the spirit of Halloween, just about my favourite day of the year, I thought I'd share this slightly spooky animated intro I did for Wolf Mountain Writing Collective's final show this past July. With a short timeline and a theme: "Wolves at the Door" I set out to keep the animation minimal, and let the sparse, almost silhouetted compositions do the work. For the music, Mel from Familiar Wild lent me her gorgeous song Migrations from her other project Tend and See, which fit the mood and imagery perfectly.
Playing with smoke
With my first music video for T Nile wrapped up (but still unreleased) I thought I'd share some test treatments for an upcoming video with another very talented Vancouver artist. That song is yet unreleased, so I used the lovely "Show Me Love" by Hundred Waters as a placeholder.
Digital Ghosts
I love the beautiful digital tableaus in this video Sizarr by Baggae Man. Employing a similar technique as Radiohead's House of Cards (using point clouds to render 3D space), they were wise to keep the scenes static (to avoid the glitchy look of capturing movement with a 3D scanner) and use a digital camera to create movement in the scene.
The result is ghostly, serene and slightly unsettling in a uncanny valley kind of way.
I've long been interested in using the unique qualities of CGI to create imagery that couldn't be generated with conventional camera. Sizarr's video brought to mind an idea for a video I had years ago, and seeing as I haven't seen any one do it yet, maybe it's time to resurrect that ghost of an idea. :)
Friday inspiration
Loving this short by Leonardo Dalessandri.
It perfectly encapsulates the euphoric feeling of travelling to another land, the sense of hyper-compressed memory. Beautiful.
A tease..
T Nile's If Only video is getting closer! I was playing around with some post-processing and thought it was time for a teaser screenshot. The biggest challenge has been the background treatments; digital abstractions that are created somewhat randomly but have to move and pulse in time to the music. It's getting there but not just ready to be released to the wild just yet..
Things are happening.
From now on I'll be sharing a little more of my own work in this space, in addition to art and music that inspires me. Watch this blog for updates on my newest project; a music video for the very talented T Nile.
Exciting times!
I want to make games that are like this game.